Sub-Saharan Africa will record a series of lung failures – Dr. Paapa Osman.

Story; Zakaria Abdul Hakim Cisse

The sub-Saharan Africa will record a series of lung failures, kidney diseases and dental disease as well as stroke due to the kind of products they subscribe to these days.

Almost every day, new sets of carbonated drinks are introduced into the Ghanaian market in the name of ‘energy drinks’ (drinks of a wide range of colors and flavors) and ignorantly, we subscribe to them very easily.

“What the Ghanaian community lacks to understand is that carbohydrate is not a problem in Ghana. Our problem is protein” – Dr. Paapa Osman.

Almost all our staple foods in Ghana are carbohydrate-rich ranging from our maize, rice, yam, cassava, etc. The basic concept of carbohydrate digestion is breaking the food down to glucose which produces energy for the body in the form of ATP, by which we are able to perform all live activities.

On the contrary, what we lack is protein. Hence, what we should be fighting now is getting proteins incorporated into our diets as well as vitamins from fruits and vegetables etc.

We should refrain from the ‘energy drinks’ thing and protect our health. They do us more harm than good.

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