The case of CF Optional King; Does language matter in creative art?

Optional King spotted in Snikia Newluk

Story; Rahamatu-Lahi Zakaria 

Northerners took Appietus to the dry cleaners after suggesting the northern representative in the ongoing TV3 Mentor, CF Optional King should add English when singing not everyone understands Dagbanli. 

The judge was of the view that, the rep, should try to mix English or Akan in his delivery to penetrate to other regions. The people did not take likely to the comment since his closest rival is rapping in Fante.

But does language matter in breaking into the mainstream.  We have seen many Ghanaians sing along to music from other parts of the African countries without understanding the language.

Art is about expressing one’s view or sending a message. It can be in a song, movie, paintings, drawings, or anything that has to do with one imaginative work.

So, I asked does one needs to adopt other people’s language because the artist has to impress a particular ethnic group.

Back in the day, we all watched Journey to the West, India movies and other movies in different parts of the world without understanding what they say.

People watched those movies because of their expression. Songs like Kona, and Nigeria songs in Yoruba and Ebo have all hit in Ghana with people singing them like the language is their mother tongue. What made those songs accepted by Ghanaians since we do not understand the language?

Songs like Despacito and Gangnam Style hit worldwide with Hollywood celebrities doing the Gyanam style challenge but no everyone could speak Chinese.

50years of Artworks celebrated at the savannah Center for Contemporary Art

I believe Appeitu’s comments on the language are ethnocentric. A subtle way to say Akan is superior to Dagbanli. Saying the guy to add a little bit of Akan or English when singing is like trying to cripple his talents.

We all saw that when Sarkodie tried to rap in English, he fumbles, unlike his mother’s tongue. He rattles it. And that is what is going to happen to Optional King if he tries to force himself to adapt to other people’s language.

Art is about able to connect to your audience and if he is able to do that perfectly why then should he adopt a different culture. Just as people are using their tongue to sell their ethnic group, Optional King is also using his language to sell his people.

It does not matter the language he sings in; the point is artistically is he doing what is right in art. The language a person sings in should never be used as a critic because music is a universal language.

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