Sanatu Zambang Café Experience is hosted every Saturday inside the Sanatu Zambang Studios café. Book authors, public figures in various fields, and student leaders headline the event by picking their favorite children’s book or African storybook and reads to the audience.
There are also guest headliners, from traditional storytellers to poets and spoken word artists. Musical guests, Visual artists, standup comedians, and tourists who would love to share their traveling experiences.
“No matter how many sales and streams your music is getting on digital platforms, the only way you can be popular or be a household name as a Northern Act is for radio stations to play your songs, however, this is not the case. Our djs hardly play our songs, and the few who do, will constantly interrupt by talking when playing songs on radio, so fans don’t enjoy and fully understand the lyrical content your music is sending across “
#sanatuzambangcaféExperience | Gaffachi Payment
This week Gaffachi who recently released his hip-pop album titled Real is Real, spoke about his relationship with the album and how it mirrors his life journey. Snay Z also shared his love for gospel music and his yet-to-be-released collaboration with a South African Act. Whereas Prince Barak spoke about the March 2021 Sanatu Zambang Editorial Cover he led, alongside the staff of Sanatu Zambang.
“The lack of sound engineers in Upper East prompted me to pursue sound engineering and thankfully I’m skilled in IT, so it was a bit easy for me. This year I’m working on my EP album and surely it will be out this year.”
#sanatuzambangcaféExperience | Snay Z
”Overconfidence is different from lack of planning, most songs didn’t hit because our acts here usually are overconfident, giving their fame and they fail to plan well in promoting their songs whiles others lack strategic planning team to help promote their music”
#sanatuzambangcaféExperience | Prince Barak
Hosted by: NetworqLagfu & Rahama Zakaria
Production Assistant: Blezz Majeed
Produced and Created by Abdul Raafi Mohammed