….join the rhythms of Africa; Documenting the life of Carole Donkers in her true Africa

Carole described her experiences, lessons and insights in the book This is my true Africa – How Africa helped to develop myself. The first edition was published in November 2020 in the Netherlands.

On 1st February 2021, two purpose-driven women embarked on an expedition to beautiful Ghana. The mission? Documenting the life of Carole Donkers in her true Africa. This unique adventure is filmed and will result in a documentary. You can follow the creation process by actively participating in an online learning journey.

Will you join us in The Rhythms of Africa?

This is my True Africa
At the age of twelve, Carole Donkers (born and raised in the Netherlands) reads the book ‘Roots’. It tells the story about the life of the Gambian boy, Kunta Kinte. Her question: why do people in Africa need the help of ‘the West’? She decides to go to Africa one day to find the answer.

In 2010, that intention is put into action and she travels to the North of Ghana —where she eventually stays for over a decade. Together with the local leaders of transformation, she forms Creators 4 Humanity: a co-creative community of self-aware pioneers who are successful in living their individual dream. They are role models and a source of inspiration for local youth and contribute to the creation of a brighter world for all of us.

Carole described her experiences, lessons and insights in the book ‘This is my true Africa’. The first edition is published in November 2020 in the Netherlands. If it is up to Carole, it will also be available in English in 2021.

“It is Carole’s vision and life story that inspires and intrigues”, says Sandra Korse. Sandra, also born and raised in the Netherlands, is a documentary filmmaker. It is her mission to share stories of pioneers who contribute to raising the level of awareness on Earth. “Carole is such a pioneer. A courageous, soulful woman who follows her heart and looks at Africa in such a beautiful way that it has to be shared with the world. Like no other, she is capable of translating her experiences into valuable lessons and deep insights into our humanity. And always based on the intention to create a brighter world for all of us.”

On an adventure in true Africa

In 2010, Sandra and Carole faced each other in a competition: “Best Social Business Plan Contributing to the Millennium Goals.” Carole won the competition and planted the seed in Northern Ghana that grew into Creators 4 Humanity. Sandra started working on her collection of fair-trade travel accessories. A few years later, she moved to South Africa where she became a professional documentary filmmaker.

Completely unexpectedly, the coronavirus brought them back together in the Netherlands in 2020. Both had planned to be in the Netherlands in March, with the aim to stay for a short period. Both could not return to their beloved Africa due to Corona. In a conversation about “what now? Sandra suggests to Carole: “It is time for you to be heard and seen. Why don’t we go to Northern Ghana together, once it is possible again? Then I can film your work and life there.”

In the connection between these two passionate women who followed their hearts into Africa, then formed The Rhythms of Africa – An Expedition into the Heart of the World.

Sandra will work together with a team in Ghana while they film Carole as she moves through her Ghana. We are witnessing how Carole realises her dreams in co-creation with local leaders of transformation and guides people worldwide in answering their life questions.

This 3- months expedition will lead to a full-length documentary that has the title The Rhythms of Africa. This title symbolizes the original and authentic way of life on the African continent. It is also the title of the audio album that was co-created in 2018 between Carole and Creator 4 Humanity Mwintombo.

The intention behind this interactive Expedition in The Rhythms of Africa is to make a film and an experience that connects as many people as possible with the wisdom of Africa and a true way of life. A way of life that encourages you to express your true, authentic self and use your full potential to create a brighter world for all of us.

“Africa helped us in finding answers to the questions that life in our country of origin did not answer. It is our common dream to share what we have learned from and in Africa with a wider audience. And at the same time to further develop ourselves as a person and optimally use our passion and talent as we are co-creating with African talent.

The set-up we have chosen gives you the special opportunity to join online and be part of the creation process towards a film. You are cordially invited to share your own questions, give us directions and experience the creation process together with us. As a return, you will receive weekly updates in your mailbox that keep you involved and inspired. 

This is how traveling, co-creating, and learning in the online world becomes lively, intuitive, taken from life, inspiring, transformative, intercultural, rhythmic, and colorful!”


As it stands now, Sandra and Carole can travel to Ghana and hope to arrive in Accra half of January, 2021. The Expedition starts on February 1, 2021.

At this point up to 200 people are part of their journey. Your next step in joining us is via this link (free): https://therhythmsofafrica.com/product/follower-english/

All information about the Expedition: https://therhythmsofafrica.com/

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