North East: 30 young people to be trained in Web Development

Story Zakaria Abdul Hakim Cisse || Sanatu Zambang

30 young people living in and around the North-east region, will fully undergo intensive Web Development training.

The project is a partnership between Ghana Tech Lab, Pathways for Sustainable Employment (Pase) and Northern Innovation Lab, with funding from Young Africa Works, MasterCard foundation, World Bank and the Ministry of Communication.

The six-months long training will equip participants with skills in Web Development under several modules. They were put into groups of two to work together towards the summit which was organized after the training to pitch problem-solving ideas at the end of the training.

This was followed by Design-Thinking orientation to understand real-life challenges and methods they can implore in problem-solving. Trainees will be taken through HTML to assist them in creating web pages. Additional skills in CSS will also be given them to assist in customizing their web pages.

In the subsequent weeks, they will also be taken through prototyping tools and Adobe web designs to enhance their design skills quicker. They were also taken through the fundamentals of the Javascript program.

In the 3rd and 4th weeks, the students will also learn React JS. (also on the Javascript library), Axios and Node Js. They will also learn the essentials of MongoDB and SQL.

Towards the 5th to 6th week, participants will have a broader understanding of python programming language under different scopes such as Python variables and
modules, functions, object-oriented programming, flask framework, etc.

By the end of the 6th week, trainees will have learned how to prepare and deploy websites. They also learned how to get domains and hosting them.

The practical based training saw lots of testimonies from trainees on the massive impact the training had on them and the rare skills they have obtained.

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