Sanatu Zambang produces COVID-19 videos in 12 Ghanaian languages

Zakaria Abdul Hakim Cisse || Sanatu Zambang SDGs Live Report

Sanatu Zambang produces COVID-19 videos in 12 Ghanaian languages

The whole world is suffering now, with many countries locked down. The COVID-19 pandemic has left everyone in panic and uncertainty.

While over thirty thousand people worldwide have died from this pandemic, the World Health Organization and other institutions have advised on adhering to precautionary measures, including keeping oneself hygienic and isolating oneself from physical and social gatherings.

#ThisTooShallPass COVID19GHANA

#Covid19 #Ghana #thistooshallpass
Name: Ayarna Hakouru Nafis
Native Language: Sissala
Occupation: Professional Teacher

As many have seen the need to obey the precautionary measures, there are still many people who are ignorant about the disease and some don’t even consider the situation to be real.

This is why there is a need to increase education on viral disease and how to keep oneself safe.

Sanatu Zambang as an organization established on the basis of the Sustainable Development Goals has realized the gap in the information flow and has decided to produce series of videos to educate the Ghanaian populaces especially, the rural communities.

The videos feature the English language and some of the Ghanaian languages including; Dagbani, Fra-fra, Mossi, Ewe, Gonja, Nanumba, Hausa, Bimoba, Waala, Likpakpaa, Kusasi and Sissala, for the sensitization and education.

The video titled; COVID-19: THIS TOO SHALL PASS, highlights what COVID-19 is, its symptoms, means of contraction and ways of prevention. It seeks to break the language barrier in the understanding of the pandemic and reducing fear among people.

If people are educated on how the virus spread and how they can mitigate its effect, then the panic will reduce and government with other institutions can contain and confine the disease.

The first phase of this project film is directed by Mohammed Mardia Pagnaa, Sanatu Zambang Studio residence intern who is 19years old and currently studying Home Science at Kalpohin Senior High School in Tamale. Mardia has been the production assistant for, StarX TV, The Minority Show and A Day In The Life Documentary by Norsaac and Action aid. She has also featured in a WaterAid Ghana Documentary.

Executive Producers for the first phase are Khadijah Abubakari , Actionaid Ghana Activista Tamale, and Sanatu Zambang Studios. Research Consultant, Dr. Wunpini F Mohammed, and Special Appreciation to Napaga Tia Sulemana

The Inside Story: Sanatu Zambang Studios (The White Cat)

About Sanatu Zambang Studios (Began as a Google Blog in 2015)

We are a youth-driven media organization based in Tamale. We provide space for young women to explore and create a world of their own, using digital technology and communication in promoting the sustainable development goal (SDGS) and making the world environmentally safe for all life forms especially, humans.

We have over the years, produced media content including documentaries; drama; TV series, as well as engaging stories on our online news portal and other social media platforms, some of our work includes A day in a Life, Enough Project, Better Safe than sorry, Young Female Parliament debate to mark 16 days of activism on sexual and gender-based violence among senior high schools in the northern region in December 2019.

The schools that participated in the debate include; Vittin Senior High School, Naelerigu Senior High School, Yendi Senior High School, Islamic Senior High School, and Business Senior High School. 

With remarkable testimonies and record in community development, our organization has over the years focused on working towards achieving the sustainable development goals by addressing issues (such as teenage pregnancy, women marginalization in decision making, climate change and its impact, the effects of limited access to safe drinking water etc.) faced by the Ghanaian communities using media and communication tools.

Sanatu Zambang is a youth driven media and publication house that is focused on using media and publications to trigger inspiration, innovation, and entrepreneurial skills of young people especially women and children. We seek to change the narrative of Northern Ghana by empowering young women and children through compelling reportage and the content that we produce.

What we do

With our accredited skills and knowledge in communications, journalism, and film production, we try to use this advantage to produce documentaries and media content in telling stories that tend to trigger and inspire women and young people to take chances in building their dreams and to also take up opportunities available to them. Our services include news reporting, advertisement, public relations, filming documentaries, and also making our offices available for young women to learn how to produce media content.

What we have done

We believe in stories and information that trigger inspiration, aspirations and has the potential to awaken the minds of our generation. Most especially, women children and the youth, to create a more responsible, and effective mindset. With this backdrop, we have produced TV content for Northern Television (NTV). We have also produced documentaries and short drama skits for various organizations.

A list of our clients and collaborators include UNICEF, NORSAAC, AITI-KACE, Water Aid, Marie Stopes Ghana. etc

Our Creative journalism is open for all…

… and will remain so. Now more than ever, the Sanatu Zambang is committed to delivering quality, responsible journalism and creative media and art content each and every day. In these extraordinary times, when anxiety and uncertainty abound, the Sanatu Zambang measured, authoritative reporting has never been so vital. We will remain with you, delivering quality journalism and creative media and art content so we can all make critical decisions about our lives, health and security based on fact, not fiction.

We believe every one of us deserves equal access to accurate news and calm explanation. So, unlike many others, we made a different choice: to keep Sanatu Zambang journalism and creative media and art content open for all, regardless of where they live or what they can afford to pay.

Your financial support will mean we can keep more young women in journalism and media, creating platforms for women and children to engage and voice out their opinions on social issues and creative art will blossom. It will protect our independence.

We need your support so we can keep delivering quality journalism and creative media and art content that’s open and independent. And that is here for the long term. Every reader contribution, however big or small, is so valuable. 

Sanatu Zambang Fidelity Bank Tamale 1050313986015

The Minority Show:

A Need for Cultural Diversity: This was a talk show in which we brought people from different ethnic groups in the northern region to talk about marginalisation in our society and the need to create an environment that is diverse.

Debate to mark 16 days of activism:

This project was done in partnership with Norsaac to mark the 16 days of activism on sexual and gender-based violence. We brought students from senior high schools in the Northern Region to our space to have a debate on sexual and gender-based violence in our schools.

Better safe than Sorry:

This was a stage drama in collaboration with Marie Stopes International Ghana to use drama in educating senior high school students on their sexual and reproductive, health, rights, and responsibilities. We wrote the scripts and trained the student to stage the drama.

A Day in A Life

This is a Norsaac sponsored documentary. In this documentary, basic school kids were taken to interact with their mentors in different field to get inspire and learn to become just like their mentors.

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