Women in politics; under the local governance level. What’s the way forward

Story; Hasana Sulemana

A discussion held between Alhassan Tua Fouzia who is currently Junior Chamber International (JCI) president for Tamale Premier and a member of Media Foundation for West Africa and Abubakari Kawusada, Gender and governance manager at NORSAAC in the studios of Sanatu Zambang on the topic

Miss Fouzia nobbing in agreement to Madam Kawusada statements’ also encouraged that, in all levels in life that women find themselves, they shouldn’t pull back upon seeing men.   

The discussion was also geared towards challenges that women face stepping into politics which Miss Fouzia pointed out some challenges that faced women who ventured into politics. She mentioned cultural and religious practices, specifically in the Northern sector, women are raised with the perception that they are to stay and do house chores whiles men are raised to look after women. Miss Fouzia disagreed with the notion that women are meant to be in the kitchen and men are the head/breadwinner of the family.

She said the notion puts women in a situation in which a woman has to ask for permission before taking steps which are also quite understanding because of security reasons. She explained the future that these challenges get worse when moving to the top/national level. Madam Kawusada also emphasized on the notion that a woman has to ask for permission before venturing into politics because questions such as “Is your husband aware?” especially if she is a married woman and if she is not, most people have the perception that, that particular woman is a “prostitute”.

The discussion was climaxed with a piece of advice from both powerful women which Madam Kawusada Abubakari entreats that women should not allow their fears to bring them down, they should channel it positively besides men also have such fears but are not discouraged by that, so any woman willing to make it should take the bold step. Miss Fouzia Tua Alhassan urges that women should take away the table form the men, you have the intention, take the steps don’t let fear push you down, and is “OK” to be afraid but don’t let anything stand your way.

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