Northern Regional MTTU Commander to collaborate with Mohammed Mutaru

Source;  Tudu Lahabali Kpana || Justice Fm

Click to listen to Radio Justice

This afternoon Mohammed Mutaru continued his road safety campaign. This time taking it to the OA Travel & Tour and the Royal VVIP stations at Abuabo and Central Mosque respectively. Mohammed Mutaru met with the drivers, passengers, and Station managers. This time Mohammed Mutaru was joined by Eyor Zamani from UTV.

Together we interacted with these drivers who also expressed worry over the numerous broken-down vehicles that are abandoned on the roads. They also complained of the “too many” speed rumbles on the roads. They say that these speed rumbles easily make them tired.

Mohammed Mutaru

They also expressed happiness about Mohammed Mutaru initiative, saying it is very timely and accurate as most of them easily ignore some safety regulations which lead to accidents.

Earlier in the morning, I held a short meeting with the Northern Regional MTTU Commander of the Ghana Police Service, Chief Superintendent, Mr. Yahaya who also expressed readiness to collaborate with me in order to save more lives through this selfless endeavor. He also indicated that the unit (MTTU) will also embark on a similar course and they will like me to join them from Monday, December 23, 2019, as part of their efforts to curb road accidents before, during and after the Christmas and New year festivities.

Mohammed Mutaru

I would like to thank everyone who encouraged me. I also want to thank my boss, the Northern Regional correspondent of UTV, Mr. Abdul Washeed Alhassan for his support. Expect a report on UTV soon.

Mohammed Mutaru

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