Back to our roots | Carole Donkers

Having lived in Northern Ghana for over five years, Carole Donkers initiative #Talents4Humanity took to the streets of Tamale Metropolis to explore and connect to the people of the region regardless of their age and occupation. And also dig deep into why the people in Northern Ghana value the old Tradition and Culture despite the raise of the new Tradition and Culture. 2 and Half days, 48hours of Filming and interaction totally Worth it

In the connection between these two passionate women who followed their hearts into Africa, then formed The Rhythms of Africa – An Expedition into the Heart of the World.

This 3- months expedition will lead to a full-length documentary that has the title The Rhythms of Africa. This title symbolizes the original and authentic way of life on the African continent. It is also the title of the audio album that was co-created in 2018 between Carole and Creator 4 Humanity Mwintombo

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YFP16 days of activism | ActionAid & Norsaac

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WASH 4 Public Health | Wateraid Ghana