NORSAAC holds stakeholder engagement on SGBV

Story: Rahamatu-Lahi Zakaria | Producer, Breakfast Live Show

NORS AAC on the 21st of January held a stakeholder engagement around sexual and gender-based violence at Mariam Hotel. The project which is funded by the Dutch embassy seeks to convene critical stakeholders surrounding sexual and gender-based violence and work collectively to end SGBV and other forms of human rights abuse in our communities.

At the convening of the stakeholders’ engagement forum, the head of programmes and policy at Norsaac, Hajia Hafsat Sey Sumani outlined the key objectives of the project. The first objective is to increase awareness and knowledge among youth groups, CSOs, women as well as influential people on the fundamental human rights of all and how to protect those rights and the second one is to increase the response of key state agencies protecting the rights of all especially physical attacks on all.

The convening brought together stakeholders from government departments and organisations in the northern region whose mandate is aligned to the fight against SGBV. These departments and organisations include DOVVSU, Legal Aid, CHRAJ, youth groups, YOPP, Songtama and the media to deliberate and help in their mission to raise awareness surrounding SGVB in the region.

Key stakeholders like CHRAJ, Legal Aid and DOVVSO were given the opportunity to make a presentation regarding their office and how they work to support victims and prosecute perpetrators of sexual and gender-based violence and other forms of human rights abuse in the region using the legal framework of the country.

Interference from the politicians and the traditions as well as victims saying they want to withdraw the case from police are some of the issues that CHRAJ, Legal Aid and DOVVSU face in their quest to seek justice for victims and make perpetrators accountable for their actions.

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