Youth in Walewale get digital media training to create employment

Story By:  Rahamatu-Lahi Zakaria || Sanatu Zambang

The second edition of Walewale Startup Summit was held on 1st July 2021 at the Conference Hall of Walewale Fm. The summit was on the theme ‘’digital media for business and job creation in this era.

The summit was organized by Northern Innovation Lab in partnership with Ghana Tech Lab under pathways to sustainable development, MasterCard Foundation, Young Africa work, World Bank, and the Ministry of Communications and Digitalization.

The event was also a platform for northern innovation lab to let their trainees in Digital Media showcase their newly acquired skills to the public and also pitch their innovative ideas to be judged. The best team gets to represent the region at the national stage while the remaining teams also get to be posted to other agencies for an internship.

Zoori Media LTD and Best Seeds were adjourned the winner and first runner-up respectively at the end of the pitching. Zoori Media LTD innovation idea is to use digital media to advertise tourist sites in the region and nationwide while Best Seeds aims to use digital media to promote MSMEs through branding and social media advertising.

The two qualified teams will go through the incubation stage which will groom them for the National Summit. The remaining teams will be assisted to secure good internship slots in respected organizations within the region.

Speakers for the event included the West Mamprusi Municipal Coordinating Director, Abdul Rahman Baba Ahmed, the branch manager for GCB bank Habib Abdul Rahman, Kawdwe Ephirim founder of Ephis Services, John Tobias Kwodiah, NABCO Monitoring and Evaluation Officer and Eunice Oforiwaa Yeboah, Director for Cooperative Union. They spoke on the importance of digital media in today’s business world and how the youth can use digital media to create jobs.

Northern Innovation Lab is a registered business and technology consultancy hub located in the newly created North-East Region of Ghana, with its primary base of operations in West Mamprusi Municipal Assembly-Walewale.

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