“If you don’t support your grass roots, it will be difficult to maintain power.”
Lizzy also added that, with its empowering programs such as the One District One Factory, Free SHS, One Village One Dum, NABCO and others has empowered the youth as compared to the previous NDC administration. The NPP believe in women empowerment is unwavering.
This has led the administration to give 50% of chances to women to hold political positions. Unemployment is a threat to this country. The intervention of the NPP government has helped to reduce unemployment in the country. She said a factor that hinders most women from vying for a political position is the notion that “this work is not for women but for men”.
Lizzy is aiming higher if given the opportunity to either be the CEO of NPA, Gender Minister, Buffer stock but her minimum goal in politics is to be MCE/DCE.
Lizzy is a strong NPP member who has always been passionate about politics. She has always contested for positions from primary, JHS to SHS then to college where she became the Women’s Organizer for the Student Representative Council (SRC) and Women’s Commissioner (WOCOM) for TESCON. But she became very voiceful about her political affiliation during her college days.