With such an amazing personality, Issah Rahama throughout her life has been a charismatic leader with qualities worthy of emulation. It was only in her Senior High School that she did not assume any leadership position; she was an icon as far as her Basic education is concerned.
Mama, known by almost everyone, especially those she attended school with at both elementary and high school, is a self-developed woman who has passion, determination and lots of hope for what the future beholds. These driving forces have given her the courage, zeal and the “go ahead” to pursue and execute any action her heart desires at anytime.
In her Primary School days, she attained the position of a Class Monitor in primary 5, which paved way for her to wear the crown for the “Girls’ Prefect” . Having been brave to take up her responsibilities, she partook in lots of competitions and won the ultimate prize in a chunk of the competitions, all for her “…school and class”.
After serving as the “Office Girl” in JHS 1 and JHS 2, she became determined, vibrant and had the urge to aspire for a higher position in the school. Even though she had wanted to become the Senior Prefect of the school, the school did not allow her accomplish her longed-yearn dream. Nevertheless, she became the Girls’ Prefect.
” I actually wanted to be the Senior prefect but my school only allowed males to contest for that and so I had to go for the other”. Speaking to Campus 247 News Network, Issah Rahama disclosed.
Story: Abdul-Hak Munkaila, Campus 24/7 News.