Desert Industry in Retrospective Such example is Nazz Official

Written by Lea Arama 

Language barrier, the north x south convo has often taken precedence in all discussion making headways seem so unattainable. Just as colorism has made the racism conversation not gone beyond victimization many have been lost to the curse of history and repeating it’s cyclical effects without conscious efforts but reflexes.

The desert chords have seen so many acts go limited because we have excused inadequacy with language. The impact of cultural texture has always made discussions on showbiz and entertainment seem stagnated because we are mindset stacked in the myopic analysis of growth instead of broad perspective to the conversation.

Negating territorial influence we fail to recognize the need for standardization to meet all clusters of targets for commercial value.

Sadly the victim card, the misguided pride and confusion of general demands has become a cheap card we hand out on a daily basis. Loosing sight of the future and it plans we fail to see the need for strategic planning and development of markets to suit an evolving market.

The daily cry of rejection sadly isn’t subjective to the jolly industry but industries, institutions and basic amenities. Having no value for the adage to celebrate innovations and creativity, we fail to activate the niche composite of our uniqueness, creativity and innate glow so necessity has fail in being a mother of invention but a man of wailing and nagging.

Although there are a few who have been able to identify their markers and are growing with sturd the rest seem to find the growth unreachable, loosing sight of the basic requirements which is foundations not properly laid have no legacy to it’s establishment.

Fusion of the common languages in territories making room for localized market while addition of international languages creates opportunities for bigger markets and opportunities. Funny enough textbook literacy has never been a reason for talent prevention, although it enhances it’s quality, it’s a gift God gives to all.

Our history as a people with the chords has always been the melodies, rythms and lyrics and texture of our vocals. Meaning language has never been a barrier.

Evolution on the other hand can be daunting but innovation, creativity it’s always it’s Achilles. Such is language in music. Navigating Large markets including adaptions and innovation that should best protect your identity as an act as well as show you off in the value you truly merit.

Such example is Zambang Nazz

With this song he created a third pathway in addressing the challenge of language which allows a protected self identity as well as an appreciation of the language dynamics and the melodic joy.

Subtitles is the third pathway in addressing language barrier in the showbiz for Northern Ghana. As acts we need to let people know us for who we and if adaptions are demanded we find ways to do so without loosing ourselves. Language has never been a barrier it’s your perception that has, so check what’s available and easy, sell it all you are a full package Enjoy.

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