What is keeping Northern Music Alive | Flamezbeatz, Wumbee de Rapper & Etonam

Inside Sanatu Zambang Breakfast Live show studios

Artistes in the north have over the years entertained us, educated us, and as well as united us as one big family. Artistes have also enjoyed the greatest support from fans in the region, one, another artiste cannot boast of from their region. In recent times, there seems to be a decline in the rise of northern music.

To understand the current trend of northern music, Wumbee de Rapper, Etonam, and producer, Flamezbeatz joined the Breakfast Live show to talk about the music industry and what we can do to develop and keep the music alive in the region.

One of the sectors that were talked about was the role of radio stations and DJs. Though the guest acknowledged the effort of DJs, they still believe that they can do more to grow the industry.

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