High moral standards, The burden of being a Girl

Photography; by Captured Article by; Rahamatu-Lahi Zakaria

In one of those conversations with some girlfriends, one person said if she were to be pregnant, she would abort it right away because she could not face her family. Last year, at my cousin’s wedding, when all the family had gathered and in a conversation, a cousin asked when it will be turned. Then another person said, ‘’oh does she have a boyfriend’ ‘she is such a good girl’.

The description got me scared. These people who have formed their opinion about me does not live room for me to make a mistake. And so this is where the pressure to fake it or to live as a prisoner of yourself.

And there is the problem for most girls. Immediately they become pregnant the next stage is to think of abortion because of the high moral standard they have been raise to. You hold me to a high moral standard and if I there slip from this, the judgment that will come will be like someone who has committed genocide.

This is the problem with our society. We try to dictate what a person should be and without considering that fact that we are human beings. as human beings, we all have both good and bad side. There are times we hold up to our morals and there are other times we let our moral slip and fall into the temptation of sex but that does not make us less of who we are.

Family or society do not live room for children to make mistakes and pick up from where they stop. The fact that someone is reserve does not mean that he or she is pure. The person is mortal and all mortals have their flaws.

The strongest of people are those who are able to rise after a fall. We all have our dark side. Sometimes people just want to open up and talk without judgment. But the society that we live in are not people who want to listen to your problems. They want to know your problems so they can judge us and sentence us according to sins that we have committed.

In recent times we have heard the rise of suicide and abortion. No matter how big the problem is, life should not be lost because of a silly mistake. But who can blame them for taking such a drastic measure?

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